

The Locker is perfect for all those occasions in which the customer orders online and needs a collection that is not tied to time. Therefore perfect for environments such as pharmacies and areas self 24, hemp and ecig shops.

What is it?

10 drawers equipped with automatic electromechanical lock with opening and closing sensor.

How can help you

The locker allows customers to collect their orders at any time of the day, ensuring convenient and uninterrupted service, thus improving the shopping experience and customer satisfaction.

Flexible collection without time constraints

A locker allows you to collect your online orders at any time, without having to respect store opening hours.

Safety and convenience

Lockers are designed to ensure the safety of your packages until collection.

Reduction of waiting times

Using a locker eliminates the need to wait at home for the courier to arrive.

How does it work


Customer interested in a product contacts you via website, social media or telephone.


The customer books the product and can choose to pay on the online site or directly on the vending machine.


All retailers generate a dedicated QR code that they send to the customer.


The customer with the QR code received goes to the established locker to collect the product.

Do you need more information?


Infinite combinations

01. Pharmacies

Satisfies the need to collect an over-the-counter medicine any day of the week or collect a product purchased from your pharmacy’s e-commerce site.
02.  Hemp
Offer the possibility your customers to collect the products at any time, even with larger packaging that can easily be stored in the locker.
03.  Cigarettes
If the customer runs out of his favorite ecig liquid, he can program when he wants it, collection at the locker.

Some solutions

Locker + pharmaceutical distributor

Locker + e-cig distributor

Locker + hemp distributor