Today, companies are finding vending machines a growing opportunity to expand their business or create new cash flows: thanks to technological innovations, these devices are now able to offer a wide range of products, improving operational efficiency and the customer experience.

Let’s see what these opportunities are, which sectors are affected and what are the requirements for companies.

Vending machines for forward-looking companies: potential benefits

What are the potential benefits of vending machines?

In a nutshell: reduce costs, increase product availability and improve the shopping experience.

Because vending machines operate without the need for staff to be present, companies can save on salary costs and related benefits, while reducing the complexity of personnel management.

In addition, automated shops allow continuous 24/7 operation, ensuring that customers can purchase products at any time. This increases product availability and potentially sales, without increasing operating costs.

From a logistical point of view, automated shops are equipped with advanced technologies that continuously monitor inventory levels. This enables more precise stock management, reducing the risk of out-of-stocks and wastage. The use of automated systems for product reordering can also optimise procurement processes, reducing the costs associated with inventory management.

Finally, the adoption of automatic shops allows companies to collect detailed data on customers’ purchasing habits. This information can be used to improve product offerings, customise promotions and optimise marketing strategies, further contributing to efficiency and savings.

Another important advantage in this scenario is the diversification of the offer.

Expanding the product portfolio

The intelligent use of vending machines also responds to the increasingly widespread need to diversify a company’s offering in order to remain competitive and attract a wider customer base without significantly increasing operating costs.

Adding new products to vending machines allows companies to experiment and adapt quickly to market trends and consumer preferences. For example, they can introduce healthy or organic options to meet the growing demand for healthy food products. Likewise, they can offer limited editions or seasonal items to stimulate interest and encourage impulse purchases.

Another advantage of supply diversification through vending machines is the possibility to reach specific market segments. For example, in a university environment, vending machines can offer stationery and energy snacks, while in a corporate environment they can provide premium coffee and employee wellness products.

Automatic shops and successful cases

Despite what one might think, the adoption of vending machines has led to significant successes for many Italian companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

A notable example is the food sector, where some companies have seen a 30% increase in annual sales thanks to the installation of strategically placed vending machines. Furthermore, the adoption of contactless payment technologies has facilitated fast and secure transactions, further increasing customer satisfaction.

Another successful example comes from the cosmetics market, which has used vending machines to offer its products in high traffic locations such as shopping centres and airports. This strategy led to a 25% increase in sales, with a significant improvement in brand visibility (Confesercenti, 2022).

These case studies demonstrate how Italian SMEs can benefit from the adoption of vending machines to expand their business, improve product accessibility and increase sales.

Challenges to be faced: technological and logistical barriers

The benefits are certainly numerous, but there is no shortage of challenges.

One of the main ones is the need to overcome the idea that it is convenient to spend as little as possible. On the contrary, it is essential to have advanced systems in place to ensure transaction security and customer data protection, as well as product safety.

It is also very important to have a preventive maintenance plan and fast service to minimise downtime.

Another logistical challenge concerns the choice of strategic locations for vending machines. It is crucial to place vending machines in high-traffic locations to maximise sales: entrepreneurs who are able to leave behind traditional methods and look at their business with new eyes are the ones who will achieve the most.

Would you like more information on the possibilities for companies with vending machines?

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